Engaging in learning alongside others...

Focus on Fundraising Cohort Series
The Series focuses on strengthening an organization's individual giving program, planning and implementing a year-end campaign, developing a simple major gifts program, identifying opportunities for securing legacy gifts, and ensuring equitable and inclusive fundraising practices are thoughtfully integrated throughout fundraising work. This training is facilitated by Katie Davis of 5 Branches Consulting LLC. Learn more.
Program Dates and Times for 2024:
Tuesdays 4:00pm-5:30pm MTN
1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/5, 3/19
COST: Chaffee, Lake, Fremont Counties $325 (+ $100 for each additional person from the organization).Outside Chaffee, Lake and Fremont Counties $425 per person ($100 for each additional person from the organization).
Lead with Confidence Cohort Series
The Series covers the most important aspects of running an organization and has been developed around an Organizational Diagnostic Tool. The intent is to help build the management skills of newer ED’s and give them solid, foundational information on how to manage the hiring processes, supervise with confidence, develop solid financials and more. This training is facilitated by Katie Davis of 5 Branches Consulting LLC. Learn more.
Program Dates/Times:
Wednesdays 4:00pm-5:30pm MTN
1/24, 2/7, 2/22, 3/6, 3/20
COST: Chaffee, Lake, Fremont Counties $325 (+ $100 for each additional person from the organization).
Outside Chaffee, Lake and Fremont Counties $425 per person ($100 for each additional person from the organization)

"Done in a Day"
Strategic Planning Cohort Series
What if there were an easier and more efficient way to develop clear and compelling goals and strategic priorities? One that didn’t require the development of a document as heavy as an encyclopedia or managing a process that took close to a year to complete?
The “Done in a Day” Strategic Planning Series will provide your organization with a simple four step process that will yield equitable, actionable, measurable, and strategic priorities and goals. Join us for this lively and engaging cohort series and walk away with a four-step plan to guide your next strategic planning process.
Program Dates/Times:
Thursdays, 4:00pm-5:30pm MTN
2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22
COST: Chaffee, Lake, Fremont Counties $325 (+ $100 for each additional person from the organization). Outside Chaffee, Lake and Fremont Counties $425 per person ($100 for each additional person from the organization)